Hi, I go by the alias DomoFudge, and this is the page made specifically for the webcomic Love Circuits. I am a co-author and illustrator of this comic, and will post concept art, scripts, and even pages of Love Circuits itself onto this blog. Warning: Contains material that may be considered unsuitable for those under the age of..hmmm.... I'll put 15. The other author of this comic is a girl who goes by the alias KonataTwin879.
Chibis of the main characters

Drawn by Domofudge on Tegaki (c)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This is a short little Omake of Love Circuits. It's actually more of a cracky inside joke but... I decided to put this up anyways. Click here to zoom in/ see bigger version
More doodles!
Hey everybody! Kona-Chan is back, with more doodles! :D Yeah, I draw a lot. And I made a few good drawings of some of the characters in Love Circuts, so I thought I'd show you.
This is a doodle of Riku I drew. And yes, OMG cleavage. ^^; Of all my characters, she has my favorite face to draw. It's simple and always comes out beautiful. :D
Seth has trouble sleeping a lot. Sometimes he'll wake up and just be really angry and not know why. ^^; So sometimes, he goes out and gets into fights. It doesn't end well. ...Awwww~! <3 Doesn't he look cute with an eye-bandage? Also, sorry if you can't read the dialouge. Here's what it says: "Eh, got in a fight last night. No big deal. My eye might be outta commission for a coupla days though. 'Da damn asshole cut my fuckin' hair too..." ...And yes. He does treat serious injuries like little cuts. ^^;
Sorry, some of the names were cut off, but this is pretty much everyone in the Love Circuts cast. ...I wonder who those last two are!? Well, you can see the last one's name, it's Brent. But I'm not telling you what he does.... I gotta admit, I love this chibi style. :D
Well, that's about it! Thanks for reading this post, and I hope you like the pictures! :D
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Even more concept art!
This is fairly old concept art of Ben, drawn by me (DomoFudge). Most of the concepts on Ben's many mechanisms are very badly drawn and will most likely be changed in the comic. Everything is is...Generally accurate. Oh! And there's a typo. He's 17, not 15, he just appears 15. Here's a bigger pic. Clicky!
<panel shows the car slowly approaching the top of the first drop, Ben showing a scared expression, Kael lookng much like an excited puppy, Zaine yawning and Seth feeling a bit nausiated.>
Ben: Oh crap, this thing is so huge!
Zaine: That's what she said.
Seth: And then she asked for her money back.
Even more concept art on events and characters, again this too is pretty old. It'll look better in the comic. If you want to see the picture more up close you can go to the following link. Starting from the far right and moving to the left, the characters shown are Jun K., Kael A., Zaine S., Seth W. and Ben B.. Click here! for the larger pic.
Kona-Chan's Concept Art! :D
Hello to anyone that is reading this! This is KonataTwin879 (Call me Kona, Kona-chan, or if you know my fanfiction account, Kirara, etc.) and since we didn't have any posts here, I decided to post some of my concept art/random doodles of the characters. I have a ton of doodles of pretty much every possible character design in the story and in non-canonical things, but since I don't want to spoil anything for you, I'm only sticking to the main four and two recurring characters. This means Seth, Ben, Zaine and Kael, along with Riku and Jun. I'll also give you a quick profile of the characters, to the best of my ability (some of the characters aren't mine, after all.).
This guy is Ben. Well, his full name is something like Benjamin Brun. It isn't used very much though, so you don't neccesarily have to remember it. Besides, everyone calls him Ben. This is an old drawing, So Ben probably doesn't look like he will in the comics. And, like the picture says, a possible love interest for Seth. Don't take that too seriously guys, since I also count one-sided loves under this category.
This was a test of coloring and lineart for the comic. I don't think we'll be doing our lineart this way anymore though. We've started a new method that mostly involves traditional lineart. The coloring method should stay the same though.
This is a quick reference to how tall all the characters are. ...And yes, Seth is freakishly tall. The fact that he wears 1" thick boots and that his hair is 3" tall doesn't help with that. I still can't really understand why he feels the need to make himself taller. XD Seth is actually taller than his teacher, too. XD And yet, he's a "Reba" (reversible, neither Uke nor Seme). So much for the "tallest is always the seme" rule. Also, yeah... poor Ben. Even Riku, who's pretty short, is still taller than him. ^^; Sorry, Ben!
Lesson learned: always map out your pose before you draw the pic. Otherwise, a cool pose turns out... rather bland. XD Fail, I know. I think this is one of the few pics that really illustrates how thin Seth really is though, so I'm not sure I mind. XD
This is still one of my favorite pictures of Zaine, just for pure lulz value. I did get a few details wrong, though....
If you read chobits, you should probably recognize this pose from the first volume's cover. For the record, I didn't trace it, I just used it as a model. ...And you gotta admit, Ben looks absolutely adorable in that pose. XD
This is what happens when you draw a drawing, want to test a marker shading style, and your marker runs out of ink halfway through. T.T This really depressed me, because I thought with enough work, I could make this look really nice. Oh well.
This was a study of face angles on the characters. In retrospect, Kael/Cael (hooray misspellings! *smacks self in the face* )'s face in profile looks pretty bad. And yes, Seth has a very tiny button nose. ...Don't point it out though, he gets mad. XD And also, it's pretty obvious that I'm not very good at drawing people facing to the right in 3/4 view. Luckily, me and Domo-chan are co-oping on the art, so we'll probably fix each others flaws in the actual comic.
This was an attempt at pencil shading, just to experiment. It actually looks pretty good, for my first time messing around with this. :D Also, Domo-Chan commented that this is Jun's "Rape-face" . That wasn't my intention, but it probably fits his character better....
This is Riku, one of our recurring characters. This is one of Domo-Chan's drawings. ...And yeah, Domo-chan isn't that great at feet. It takes a lot of practice though, so I don't blame her. XD
And, for the sake of comparison, one of my doodles of Riku. For the record, she wears different clothing almost all the time. XD So yeah, her clothing design isn't really consistent.
...I got too lazy to finish this. Still, the lineart isn't as bad as I thought it was when I was drawing this... Also, I think this was the first time I got Zaine's piercings right.
Alright, that's all the pictures to bombard you with. I hope you liked them! :D This is Kona-chan, signing off for now! :D
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